Management Committee

President: Dan McFarlane

Vice President: Joel Kennedy

Secretary: Ian Bailey Email:

Assistant Secretary : Iain Donaldson Email:

Treasurer : Derek Mitchell

Minute Secretary: Alex Ross

Management Committee Members: Owen Lawrence, Duncan Nicolson, Lewis M. Brown, Ewan Pow

Association Coaches: Duncan Nicolson & Joel Kennedy

Child Wellbeing Representative: Ian Bailey

Association Training Co-ordinator: Cameron Harold 

Association Manager: Craig MacKay

SFA Referee Committee Representative: Mike Pocock

Youth Referee Ambassador: Alex Ross

Women’s Referee Ambassador: Morag Pirie

Auditors: David McLennan & Ian Innes

Association Representatives

Any Members who have queries, concerns, items for discussion, etc. should first make contact with the appropriate association representative as listed below.

Amateurs – Derek Mitchell

North East Welfare – Owen Lawrence

Juveniles – Owen Lawrence

Juniors – Lewis M. Brown

Orkney – James Leask

Shetland – Steven Goodlad